My Tunes

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Personal Discovery

Well it's that time of year again! A semester has come to a close and college students begin to pack and leave one by one into their summer activities. Some will return for another semester of academic bliss, and others will stay home to work and save their pennies. Those who will return come back to a land of "almost melted- barely there" snow (at least until June, right?...), and welcome in the highly anticipated summer season of heat, smaller classes, snow cones, and bridge jumping. As well, they return to the one constant belonging in Rexburg, that one thing that rarely leaves and seems to be everywhere: me. That is right. Rexburg is my current home, the place in which I reside and live my life experiences. The recent semester did not find me taking classes, nor did it find me employed. But with it came not only fun, Fun, FUN!...but service. Lots and lots of service. It was a little frustrating at first trying to get any fun local jobs before the snotty other college students got them, each time to no prevail. This eventually led to acceptance of lack of employment, thus causing friends and others to realize they could call on me for whatever because "hey, he's not doing anything." While this claim may appear true at first, quite the contrary was eventually proven. I could go on and on with things I have done to keep myself busy: from running to making wedding announcements, to giving rides and even going home for 2 1/2 weeks to visit family and friends, but i'll withhold the details. Just know it was a serious test and journey of self-motivation and personal devotion. Do I sit inside and watch movies all day?...or help a poor married friend with filling his empty car with gas? It didn't take long for me to sum up the obvious choices of what to do with so much extra time: I could serve others. And through all this I discovered more of who I am. I believe that is the purpose of this little place in which I live that brings out major realizations of who we are. Many complain of such little places as being boring, lame, and non-eventful (myself used-to-be-included). But from these past few months I have caught a glimpse of what it means to be a participant of mankind, and that so much substance can be crammed into a small hour.

How To Make Friends