My Tunes

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School and...Superman?

Well I have officially been to all my classes and they're ggrrrREAT!...well. I am taking American Heritage again which, obvious from a year ago, is not my favorite subject nor a desired learning opportunity...but I am going to do well this time around, just you wait and see. Then I have intro to Sociology which is a cluster of choice I am taking. That class seems great and interesting. The teacher is cool and relaxed (but demands work to be done, yes yes), perfect for summer. Then there is Intro to Advertising which I am going to love. We have four major assignments throughout the semester. We even get to make a billboard (I believe that's what he said...). Anyway, our final project is a group project where we create an advertising campaign for a local business. The winners get an automatic A in the class. Bring it on! And then there is Advanced Visual Media which is gonna kick my booty but be awesome. I have to create a personal photographic collage by next Tuesday. No ideas yet but they'll come. As well we're going to create a website, a video podcast and some more stuff i'm not sure about yet. Wait I lied, a have a class I haven't been to yet, which is on Thursdays, called Group Dynamics. Anyway. I'm already super busy and having fun. It should be a great semester. And thank goodness I'm doing something! Now for Superman...


robin said...

group dynamics was one of my most favorite classes. and so was american heritage! what's up with you not liking american heritage? what kind of american are you?

How To Make Friends